Netflix, originating from the United States, is an OTT service company providing online video streaming globally. It offers subscription-based services for movies and TV shows, delivering media to subscribers via internet streaming and the U.S. postal service. By market capitalization, Netflix is one of the world's largest media and entertainment companies. Establishing a scientifically sound human resource management model that aligns with a multicultural backdrop is fundamental to Netflix's operations. The dual factors of Netflix's expanding scale and the rapid development under a multicultural context in current years present challenges in constructing a more comprehensive and complete human resource management model. This paper explores and analyzes how Netflix constructs its human resource management model under a multicultural context and, designs a unique model based on practical management needs, analyzes the characteristics of Netflix's human resource management model, and provides insights for other enterprises. The human resource management model of Netflix is a comprehensive and complete system developed specifically to adapt to the unique and rapidly changing content industry, enabling the entire company to have creative and innovative capabilities, which is not universally applicable to enterprises in other industries.
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