J. O. Schmidt, M. S. Blum and W. L. Overal. Comparative enzymology of venoms from stinging Hymenoptera. Toxicon 24, 907 – 921, 1986. — Venoms from 20 species of stinging Hymenoptera, including nine species of ants and nine species of social wasps, were quantitatively analyzed for the following enzymic activities: phospholipase A, hyaluronidase, lipase, esterase, protease, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and phosphodiesterase. Phospholipase and hyaluronidase were present in all the venoms, with activity levels generally higher among the wasps than the ants ( P < 0.05). Lipase was present in high activity in several social wasp venoms and one ant venom, in low levels in two other ant venoms and absent from four tested snake venoms. Two-carbon esterase activity was present in the venoms of five social wasps and one ant. Non-specific protease was present at very high activity levels in the venoms of an army ant species and was also present in the venoms of a social wasp and another ant. Acid phosphatase activity was present in eight of the nine ant venoms, but was essentially absent from all the social wasp venoms. Alkaline phosphatase activity was clearly detectable in the venoms of only two species of ants. Phosphodiesterase, an enzyme not previously detected in insect venoms, was present in the venoms of three closely related ant species. Venoms with generally high enzymic activities included those of Polistes infuscatus, Vespula ( V.) squamosa and Pogonomyrmex badius; those with low activities included Dolichovespula maculata, Apoica pallens and Dasymutilla lepeletierii. The 20 venoms were ranked according to overall activity levels using the eight enzyme activities plus lethal, hemolytic and pain-inducing activities. They were also compared phylogenetically using these 11 activities.
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