Let $X$ be a real locally uniformly convex reflexive Banach space with the locally uniformly convex dual space $X^*$, and let $K$ be a nonempty, closed, and convex subset of $X$. Let $T: X\supseteq D(T)\to 2^{X^*}$ be maximal monotone, let $S: K\to 2^{X^*}$ be bounded and of type $(S_+)$, and let $C: X\supseteq D(C)\to X^*$ with $D(T)\cap D(\partial \phi)\cap K\subseteq D(C)$. Let $\phi : X\to (-\infty, \infty]$ be a proper, convex, and lower semicontinuous function. New existence theorems are proved for solvability of variational inequality problems of the type $\rm{VIP}(T+S+C, K, \phi, f^*)$ if $C$ is compact and $\rm{VIP}(T+C, K, \phi, f^*)$ if $T$ is of compact resolvent and $C$ is bounded and continuous. Various improvements and generalizations of the existing results for $T+S$ and $\phi$ are obtained. The theory is applied to prove existence of solution for nonlinear constrained variational inequality problems.
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