Using the isolated dog ureter or kidney-ureter preparations, the effects of intraluminal perfusion pressure, and the possible influence of autonomic nervous system on the ureteral motility were examined.Normal peristaltic activity was markedly changed in its rhythm, contraction force and conduction, by intraluminal pressure gradient and sometimes antiperistalsis was observed by moderate decrease in intraluminal pressure. Electrical stimulation on the renal hilus with which we attempted to stimulate nerve fibers, failed to find any change in peristaltic activity. Furthermore, TTX, both adrenergic and cholinergic blocking agents did not show any effect on the peristaltic activity and intraluminal pressure-peristalsis relationship.By the histochemical examinations both adrenergic and cholinergic fibers in the ureter were observed to be extremely few comparing to that in was deferens, and ganglion cell could not be found.From the results, it was concluded that dog ureteral peristalsis might be mainly regulated by hydrauric factor, especially gradient of intraluminal pressure, and might be scarcely regulated by autonomic nervous system.
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