Cantrell's Pentalogy is a rare congenital malformation consists of supraumbilical abdominal wall defect, defect in the lower part of sternum, agenesis of anterior portion of diaphragm, an absence of the diaphragmatic part of the pericardium and intracardiac malformation. This case report presents a female neonate, who was born at 40 weeks of gestation weighing 2400 gm and was admitted 4 hours after delivery with the complaints of something coming out from chest. On physical examination her vital signs were within normal limit, she had a systolic murmur on heart at lower left sternal area and there was a vascular structure present on the upper part of abdomen which was pulsatile and pulsation was synchronized with cardiac pulsation. On investigation chest X-ray lateral view showed absence of lower part of sternum, echocardiography findings were different in different institutes. Echocardiography findings at Mymensingh medical college hospital (MMCH) were large VSD (Ventriculo septal defect), ASD (Atrial septal defect) and rotated heart. On colour Doppler ultrasonogram at MMCH showed there were VSD, ASD, and a small epigastric swelling which was vascular and appears to be attached to the apex of the heart. On the other hand echocardiography findings of LAB AID hospital in Dhaka were Dextrocardia, complete AV (atrio ventricular) canal defect, almost common atrium, almost single ventricle, common AV valve, double outlet right ventricle (DORV), Cortriatriatum, mild A-V valve regurgitation and severe pulmonary hypertension (PAH). Echocardiography was also done at national heart foundation hospital in Dhaka. Findings were situs solitus, mesocardia to dextrocardia, DORV, large VSD, mild mitral inflow, mild TR (triuspid regurgitation), good LV (left ventricle) and RV (right ventricle) systolic function. Cardiologists at Dhaka in Bangladesh were suggested for surgery. Then the patient was consulted at Naryan Institute of Cardiac Science, Chennai in India. Here echocardiography findings were dextroversion/dextrocardia, DILV (Double inlet left ventricle), large inlet VSD with bidirectional shunt, mild TR, severe PAH with good ventricular function. Cardiologists in India were given comment about this patient. This patient was highly risky for surgery. They advised medical treatment and requested to review after one year. By taking medical treatment patient condition is well except failure to thrive and cyanosis develops during feeding and crying according to the statement of guardian of the patient. This case has 3 criterias among the five criteria of Cantrell's Pentalogy. So, it is incomplete Pentalogy of Cantrell.
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