Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine a single criterion for the effectiveness of the interaction of couplers, for a comprehensive justification of the parameters of the track development of railway stations and the geometric dimensions of the rolling stock. Technique. As criteria of efficiency and safety of designs of track development the main operational characteristics of automatic chain mechanisms in the horizontal plane are considered: efficiency of the movement of cars in the coupling and possibility of their automatic coupling. The analysis of methods for assessing the conditions for the fulfillment of these criteria allows us to distinguish two groups of influencing factors: the geometric parameters of the track development (curve radius, curve length, straight insert) and the geometric dimensions of the rolling stock (length of the wagon base, length of the cantilever part, trolley base, additional displacement of the bogies, the width of the grip and the angle of deviation of the coupler). Comparative assessment of the chosen criteria is done using the analytical dependences for the direct calculation of the lengths of the radii, which is the automatic clutch and the movement of wagons in the block train. To this end, the study obtained an expression for the direct calculation of the radius length depending on the angle of deviation of the automatic coupling shank when driving in the clutch. It allowed to estimate effective designs of track development depending on position of elements of the automatic coupling at movement in the coupling: the skewed and not skewed position of the traction clamp taking into account normal or the buried position of the automatic coupling. To determine a single criterion in the design of the track development, ensuring the effectiveness of the interaction of couplers, a comparison of the permissible radii at automatic coupling (in the zone of circular and s-shaped curves) and radii, providing movement in the coupling (at different position of the coupler) for different types of rolling stock. The values of the radii that automatically grip far exceed the required values of the radii for the effective movement in the clutch (even with the recessed position of the shank of the coupler). Therefore, as a criterion in the development of requirements for the design of track structures of railway stations, the condition of automatic coupling can be accepted. Results. It is found that the values of the angles of deviation in different positions of couplers can vary more than twice, and requires the use of appropriate radii of curves. In addition, maneuvers with rolling stock carried out by wagons forward, require compliance with more stringent operating conditions and the use of more gentle curves (more than 20 %). Comparison of the conditions of functioning of automatic couplers in the horizontal plane, due to the parameters of the track development, allowed to establish a criterion for the effectiveness of the interaction of automatic couplers and to assess the quality of structures of elements of track structures. The performed calculations confirm the possibility of power interaction of auto coupling elements due to the discrepancy between the design standards of track development and rolling stock. In addition, in the structures of the existing railway station necks there are curves with radii less than permissible by modern design standards (more than 20 % of curves have radii less than 200 m), which further complicates the possibility of ensuring the interaction of couplers without the occurrence of excessive loads in their structures. The shown «gap» between the parameters of track development and rolling stock can lead to a number of negative consequences associated with the processes of movement in the coupling and coupling of wagons. Scientific novelty. A fairly simple method of direct calculation of the permissible value of the radius of the curve, ensuring the efficiency of movement of wagons in the train, is developed. The proposed method makes it possible to estimate the degree of influence of the curvature of the track on the design of automatic coupling mechanisms of wagons depending on the position of the shank (four options). A single criterion for the design of track development, ensuring the effectiveness of the interaction of rolling stock, is substantiated. Practical importance. Justification of the criterion of efficiency of interaction of wagons, allows: to provide coupling of wagons at the expense of reduction of horizontal deviations; to reduce degree of power interaction in knots of the automatic coupling at the movement in the coupling more than by 30 %, having increased respectively reliability of their functioning; to develop special requirements to design of track development of railway stations; to find and localize dangerous sites of track infrastructure; to allocate safe technological routes of passing of wagons of the increased geometrical sizes; to increase efficiency and safety of transportation process as a whole.
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