In Heuksan Island in Dadohaehaesang National Park in the southwest of the Korean Peninsula, we studied to find out the current status of bird banding for 10 years from 2013 to 2022, the minimum period of stay, and the minimum life expectancy in the stopover sites by species. We catched to a total of 56,778 of 194 species, and 98.4% of Passeriformes. The proportion of males was high with 25.0% for females and 28.0% for males, 48.6% for young birds and 32.4% for adult birds. 6.7% of all were re-captured in the same area, followed by 24% of the Zosterops japonicus, 15% of the Emberiza spodocephala, and 8% of the Parus minor and Turdus pallidus. There was a difference in the minimum length of stay between species in the Emberizidae, Emberiza pallasi stayed 1.8 days (n=222) and of the Emberiza pusilla stayed 8.6 days (n=52).
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