Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity between genotypes based on the physical, chemical and physicochemical characteristics of araçá-boi in tropical conditions. The experiment was carried out at the Federal University of Roraima, in the municipality of Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil. Genotypes were obtained in the F1 generation, through open pollination. Twelve plants were evaluated, with 10 fruits being collected per plant. The physical and physicalchemical characteristics of the fruits were evaluated: fresh mass, length and diameter of the fruits, pulp yield, firmness, mass of the pulp, peel and seeds, number of seeds, soluble solids, tritratable acidity, pH, ratio SS/AT and vitamin C from fruits. The araçá-boi genotypes showed medium to high genetic variability, obtaining averages for the physical and physicalchemical characteristics higher than those observed in the literature. G genotypes A9, A10 and A6 adopted fruits with larger sizes and produced a greater number of fruits genotypes A1 obtained fruits with higher organoleptic quality. Genotypes A3 produced fruits with higher levels of Vitamin C and fruits with greater firmness. Genotypes A3, A6, A9 and A10 were promising with high agronomic potential and could be selected for the genetic improvement program of the species.
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