The conformal field theory for the gl( N, N) affine Lie superalgebra in two space-time dimensions is studied. The energy-momentum tensor of the model, with vanishing Virasoro anomaly, is constructed. This theory has a topological symmetry generated by operators of dimensions 1, 2 and 3, which are represented as normal-ordered products of gl( N, N) currents. The topological algebra they satisfy is linear and differs from the one obtained by twisting the N = 2 superconformal models. It closes with a set of gl( N) bosonic and fermionic currents. The Wess-Zumino-Witten model for the supergroup GL( N, N) provides an explicit realization of this symmetry and can be used to obtain a free-field representation of the different generators. In this free-field representation, the theory decomposes into two uncoupled components with sl( N) and U(1) symmetries. The non-abelian component is responsible for the extended character of the topological algebra, and it is shown to be equivalent to an SL( N)/SL( N) coset model. In the light of these results, the G/G coset models are interpreted as topological sigma models for the group manifold of G.
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