The multiplication by secondary emission of a stream of electrons has been developed to a very high degree, and the electron gains of 108 or 109 have been made readily achievable. Thus, the detection—either optically or electronically—of single-photon incident on a photocathode has been rendered possible. This fact suggests the possibility of constructing a tube in which the photoelectrons from an array of image points on the photocathode are separately multiplied but retained as a coherent electron image after multiplication, to give an image of much higher electron density. The electrons may then be accelerated onto a phosphor screen, or other detecting element, which might, for example, be the charge storage target of a television pick-up tube. The construction of a system of channeled secondary emission dynodes is feasible due to the work done in the past. This chapter experimentally investigates three types of electrode structures—that is, a “venetian blind” type of photomultiplier, a symmetrical cylindrical structure, and an asymmetrical cylindrical structure. Even if high definition intensified images may never be achieved by such devices, the very large multiplication factors that are to be expected would enable single primary photoelectrons to be detected visually or photographically with relatively uncomplicated apparatus. This would almost certainly render it a most powerful tool in many fields of scientific observation.
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