An institution of higher autonomy is the key to the reforms to diversify and effectively mobilize mutual resources in higher education at Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU). At present, the Vietnamese Government has issued some guidelines to grant more autonomous power to higher education institutions. Vietnam National University, Hanoi is moving toward an autonomous system to maximize the utilization of its resources to train high quality human resources for the nation. Theautonomy of organization and personnel management istheprerequisite for a university to implement its autonomy mechanism and to be socially responsible for its training, scientific research, and technology transfer activities. During such empowerment, both objective and subjective factors should be seriously considered to developeffective implementing methods that fit each university’s socioeconomic situation and particular characteristics.
 Higher education, autonomy at VNU; autonomy model, personnel management at Vietnam National University, Hanoi
 1. Vietnam National University, Hanoi (2014), Decision No. 3568/QD-DHQGHN dated October 8th 2014 on the issuance of the Regulations on the organization and operation of VNU’s member and subordinateUnits.2. Vietnam National University, Hanoi (2014), Decision No. 3768/QD-DHQGHN dated October 22th 2014 on the issuance of the Regulations on the recruitment, employment, and management of staffs in Vietnam National University, Hanoi.3. Vietnam National University, Hanoi (2017), Report on the situation of and proposal for granting autonomous power to VNU’s members.4. Prime Minister (2006), Decree No. 43/2006/ND-CP dated April 25th 2006 on the autonomy and self-responsibility power in duty implementation, organization, structure, personnel and finance at public administrative institutions.5. Prime Minister (2015), Decree No. 16/2015/ND-CP dated February 14th 2015 governing the autonomy mechanism of public administrative institutions.6. Prime Minister (2013), Decree No. 186/2013/ND-CP dated November 17th on the National Universities.7. VNU Final Report of 2016.8. John Fielden. 2008. Global Trends in University Governance: World Bank9. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). 2003. 22 Governance reforms in higher education van Vught, 1994.
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