This article reviews the application of some of the principal methods of picosecond and femtosecond laser spectroscopy to the investigation of the dynamics of carriers, phonons and surface structure in semiconductors. The measurement of the temporal evolution of photoinduced luminescence, absorption, reflection and scattering in semiconductors makes it possible to obtain the lifetimes of photogenerated electrons, holes, excitons and phonons in both the bulk and quantum wells and superlattice structures. The information produced by these studies is necessary for the basic understanding of the underlying physics of semiconductors. In addition, the parameters obtained from these studies are needed for evaluating ultrafast transport, switching, photoconductive response and imaging in semiconductor materials, which will determine their limitations for use in high-speed and high-frequency devices and computers. For measuring time resolved luminescence, the principal techniques used, namely, the streak camera, the optical Kerr gate and the up-conversion gate are thoroughly discussed. Several pump and probe methods are described for the determination of time resolved absorption, reflection and Raman scattering. For absorption measurements where the probe wavelength differs from the pump, the former is generated in nonlinear media by means of stimulated Raman scattering and the supercontinuum for the UV and visible regions and by parametric and difference frequency generation for the near- and mid-IR. Nonlinear optics techniques considered are degenerate and nondegenerate four-wave mixing and transient grattings among which photon echoes yield the momentum relaxation of hot electrons. Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and phase conjugate Raman scattering (PC) are described to determine phonon dephasing times and the nonlinear susceptibility, χ3.
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