[For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT The development of economic relations with countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and improving the efficiency of logistics contacts is one of the most promising directions of trade relations for Russia. Among its trading partners in the Asia-Pacific region Ecuador occupies an important place. The authors’ analysis gives a fairly clear picture of transport channels (sea and air) and costly mechanisms in the supply chain used by shippers and transiters of Ecuadorian products. It is proposed to use the concept of «logistics laws» to search for options to reduce costs in the supply chain of goods exported to Russia from this Latin American country. Keywords: transport, logistics, foreign trade relations, Ecuador, supply organization, exports, logistics costs, reduction of losses. REFERENCES 1.Kurganov, V.M.«Golden» rules, principles and laws of logistics [«Zolotye» pravila, principy i zakony logistiki].Logistics: modern trends / VIII International scientific-practical conference. Abstracts.St.Petersburg, GIEU publ., 2009, pp.158-160. 2.Kurganov, V. M.Reducing costs in supply chains on the basis of logistics laws [Sokrashhenie izderzhek v cepjah postavok na osnove zakonov logistiki].Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Perspectives in Russia and Germany: Collection of papers from conference on logistics DR-LOG 2010.Ed.by D. A.Ivanov, V. S.Lukinsky, B. V.Sokolov, Y.Keshel.St.Petersburg, Publishing house of Polytechnic University Press, 2010, pp.527-529. 3.Kurganov, V. M.The hierarchy of logistics laws [Ierarhija zakonov logistiki].Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics and SCM Workschop DR-LOG 2011 in Bremen.Cuvillier Verlag, Goettingen, 2011, pp.451-461. 4.Marketing research and analysis of the Russian market of fresh flowers.MA Step by Step [Marketingovoe issledovanie i analiz rossijskogo rynka zhivyh cvetov. MA Step by Step].[Electronic resource]: http: // step-by-step.ru’upload / iblock / 415 / DEMO_fresh … Last accessed 13.01.2015. The article is based on the papers, presented by the authors at the International scientific and practical conference «International Logistics: science, practice and education», held on March 3, 2015 at the Institute of Management and Information Technologies of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT).
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