We explored the effect of leader–member exchange social comparison (LMXSC) on employee deviant behavior within a Chinese context. We modified the measures for use in the Chinese context and used a multisource survey to collect data from employees in Chinese companies. The results of analysis of responses from a sample of 203 supervisor-subordinate dyads showed that LMXSC was negatively related to organizational deviance and supervisor-directed deviance. Procedural justice mediated the relationship between LMXSC and organizational deviance, and interpersonal justice mediated the relationship between LMXSC and supervisor-directed deviance. Furthermore, the negative relationship between interpersonal justice and supervisor-directed deviance was weaker for subordinates working with supervisors who had a higher degree of organizational embodiment. The results implied that supervisors need to balance the double-edged sword effect of LMXSC as well as strengthen their organizational embodiment.
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