Abstract Disclosure: S. Nabi: None. A. Golash: None. P. Panwar: None. G. Powner: None. C. Schiteanu: None. C. George: None. M. Vallabhaneni: None. B.G. Issa: None. A. Clark: None. D. Bailey: None. J. Waldron: None. F.W. Hanna: None. Diagnosis and management of pheochromocytoma in the older population is challenging due to the co-morbidities and general age-related frailty. We present a mini case series of four patients aged 72 to 86 years who presented to our tertiary referral center at the University Hospitals of North Midlands UK, between 2019 and 2022.The case series documents the challenges of managing pheochromocytoma in this population, emphasizing how close monitoring, regular follow ups and collaboration between different members of the multidisciplinary team helped to achieve the desirable outcomes in these cases. Case 1: Adrenal incidentaloma in 84-year-old female. Background of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. History of occasional palpitations. Investigations showed raised plasma and urinary metanephrines. MIBG scan confirmed pheochromocytoma and after adequate alpha and beta blockade underwent successful laparoscopic surgery. No intra or post operative complications and showed good recovery. Discharged on the 5th day post operative. Case 2: 82-year female under cardiology with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction. Background of hypertension, chronic kidney disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Initial presentation with shortness of breath, sweating and swelling lower limbs. Normal coronary arteries on angiography, so investigated for possible excess catecholamine production. Had significantly raised 24-hour urinary normetadrenaline. Paraaortic paraganglioma confirmed on MIBG SPECT scan. Initially opted for medical treatment however quality of life worsened over the next year and eventually underwent robot assisted excision. Procedure was uneventful with good post-operative recovery. Was able to go home 2 days after the procedure. Case 3: 72-year-old female referred with right adrenal incidentaloma. Background of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, asthma, arthritis and Ca breast treated 10 years ago. Results showed raised plasma metanephrines, subsequently, MIBG scan revealed a 3 cm right adrenal nodule with increased uptake. Full alpha and beta blockade achieved before she underwent surgical treatment with no complications. Discharged on the 3rd day post op. Case 4: An 80-year-old male was referred with left adrenal incidentaloma. History of diabetes, chronic kidney disease, ischemic heart disease and heart failure, recent myocardial infarction and atrial fibrillation. Biochemical and radiological investigations confirmed pheochromocytoma. He was started on alpha blockade that proved difficult to achieve due to underlying co-morbidities. The patient needed close monitoring by the endocrine team and was finally established on adequate alpha and beta blockade. Due to significant risks associated with the procedure, the patient decided not to proceed with the surgery and opted for medical management. Remains under active follow up. Presentation: 6/2/2024
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