In this paper, we study the following fractional Kirchhoff equations{(a+b∫RN|(−△)α2u|2dx)(−△)αu+λV(x)u=(|x|−μ⁎G(u))g(u),u∈Hα(RN),N≥3, where a,b>0 are constants, and (−△)α is the fractional Laplacian operator with α∈(0,1),2<2α,μ⁎=2N−μN−2α≤2α⁎=2NN−2α, 0<μ<2α, λ>0, is real parameter. 2α⁎ is the critical Sobolev exponent. g satisfies the Berestycki–Lions-type condition (see [2]). By using Pohožaev identity and concentration-compact theory, we show that the above problem has at least one nontrivial solution. Furthermore, the phenomenon of concentration of solutions is also explored. Our result supplements the results of Lü (see [8]) concerning the Hartree-type nonlinearity g(u)=|u|p−1u with p∈(2,6−α).
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