Domain decomposition of the network conductance matrix is one of the efficient approaches to solve large-scale networks in parallel, wherein the most commonly-used non-iterative method is the Schur complement (SC) method. However, the SC method could not obtain the network conductance matrix inversion directly, and the computational cost will increase fast when the overlapping domain expands. In this work, a novel Linking-Domain Extraction (LDE) based decomposition method is proposed, in which the network matrix is expressed as the sum of a linking-domain matrix (LDM) and a diagonal block matrix (DBM) composed of multiple block matrices in diagonal. Through mathematical analysis over LDM, one lemma about the nature of LDM and its proof are proposed. Based on this lemma, the general formulation of the inverse matrix of the sum of LDM and DBM can be found using the Woodbury matrix identity, and based on the formulation the network matrix inversion can be directly computed in parallel to significantly accelerate the matrix inversion process. Test systems were implemented on both the FPGA and GPU parallel architectures, and the simulation results and speed-ups over the SC method and Gauss-Jordan elimination demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed LDE method.
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