Wind Turbine Noise (WTN) variability is often related to the influence of local micrometeorology as well as to space and time variations in the ground properties. Thus, the PIBE Project (2020-2024) aims to estimate these variabilities and their associated uncertainties. Its objective is to enable engineering companies or wind farm developers to estimate more accurately the risk of noise. In the WP2 of the PIBE project, 3 approaches are explored: (i) a NUMerical approach through the development of a metamodel, (ii) an EXPerimental approach through a major in-situ measurement campaign lasting more than 1 year, and (iii) a STATistical approach consisting in the evaluation of WTN variability. The NUM approach consists in sound emission calculation of each wind turbine using the Amiet's theory, and sound propagation calculation using a wide-angle Parabolic Equation (WAPE) modelling. The EXP part of the PIBE project has led to the development of a large database, accessible via a dedicated Shiny application. The last approach (STAT) has been carried out using both an open-access online tool called WindTUNE and an open-source tool based on Code_TYMPANTM, namely OCP. The 3 approaches (NUM + EXP + STAT) are presented and the corresponding results are discussed.
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