ABSTRACT Formal method techniques provides a suitable platform for the software development in software systems. Formal methods and formal verification is necessary to prove the correctness and improve performance of software systems in various levels of design and implementation, too. Security Discussion is an important issue in computer systems. Since the antivirus applications have very important role in computer systems security, verifying these applications is very essential and necessary. In this paper, we present four new approaches for antivirus system behavior and a behavioral model of protection services in the antivirus system is proposed. We divided the behavioral model in to preventive behavior and control behavior and then we formal these behaviors. Finally by using some definitions we explain the way these behaviors are mapped on each other by using our new approaches. K EYWORDS Antivirus system, protection services, behavioral modeling, formal method; 1. I NTRODUCTION Today, antivirus software is very important in business and software development, because any computer the system should install a security application on itself to maintain regularize and security of its data [1]. In the recent years, many attacks are occurred to home the systems, bank servers and military systems by Viruses and Malwares [2]. Information maintenance and prevent to data accessibility is the cause of attacking and destroying data which has been occurred by invasive malware widely and suddenly [3]. So, users need to powerful security applications which secure their systems against the attack of viruses and malwares [4]. The attacks in the system security section is divided into two parts [5]. The first set of attacks are enabled to eliminate security files or security applications of a computer the system. After disabling these files and applications, these attacks access to important data in the computer system. The second set of attacks can remove a set of special files and destroying important files. These attacks are executed and handled from intelligence agencies and hacker on computer systems of the users. These attacks have not needed to destroy the system security of computer. But, these attacks are executed and run by hiding themselves in URL web addresses or in created files using routing software such as Microsoft office, adobe reader, win zip, etc. By notice to these attacks, a computer system need to an online security system. Of course, an offline security
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