Research Background: As a new generation of general-purpose technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as the core driver of the fourth industrial revolution. Its extensive application in various fields has not only reshaped the forms of traditional industries, but also spawned the rise of emerging industries. Current Situation: The application of AI in the field of intelligent home decoration has garnered significant attention both domestically and internationally. Notable progress has been made in technological research and development, product innovation, and market applications. Reasons: With the rapid development of productive forces, the contradiction between people's ever-growing demand for a better life and the lagging social productive forces has been resolved. Correspondingly, the increasing demand for improved living quality and comfort has propelled the integration of AI into homes, accelerating the construction of digital households. Purpose: This article aims to analyze the impact of artificial intelligence on smart homes, assess the feasibility of achieving digital home design, and explore how AI can facilitate human life. It hopes to contribute to the future development direction of artificial intelligence. Method: Starting from people's basic material needs, this article enumerates typical application cases in smart homes, covering various aspects of daily life such as clothing, food, shelter, and transportation. Furthermore, it delves into the research on how to create intelligent systems that enable interconnection and interoperability among various AI products.
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