One important component of the present nanotechnology research field is single electron transistor (SET) which has unrealized quality to operate at breakneck speeds with ultralow power consumption. The single electron transistor is a novel nanoscale switching device that can regulate the motion of a single electron in addition to maintaining its scalability down to the atomic level. In this context, scalability refers to the ability of electronic device to function better as their dimensions get smaller. The basic device properties that this single electron transistor (SET) operates on "quantized current-voltage (I-V) characteristic," "single electron tunneling effect," and "Coulomb blockade," are also covered. This study presents some of the key SET-related topics, such as modelling and simulation methods. Simulation of Nanostructures Method (SIMON) is circuit simulator for tunneling device with just a single electron device based on Monte Carlo approach. It enables simulation of any kind of circuits with voltage source, junctions in tunnels and capacitors in quasi stationary mode and transient mode. The most significant feature of SET that is applied in the research work is Coulomb blockade oscillation, so at the conclusion of this paper, a number of simulations utilizing the SIMON simulator are shown. The simulation results show that for gate capacitance CG = 2af, C∑ = 3af, IBIAS = 2nA, tunnel barrier resistance RT > 4.1KΩ and operating temperature T=21K the model reflects real SET characteristic with maximum voltage gain.
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