Lead-rubber bearings (LRBs) have been used worldwide in seismic design of buildings and bridges owing to their stable mechanical properties and good isolation effect. We have investigated the effectiveness of LRBs in framed underground structures on controlling structural seismic responses. Nonlinear dynamic time history analyses were carried out on the well-documented Daikai Station, which collapsed during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake. Influences of strength ratio (ratio of yield strength of LRBs to yield strength of central column) and shear modulus of rubber on structural seismic responses were studied. As a displacement-based passive energy dissipation device, LRBs reduce dynamic internal forces of framed underground structures and improve their seismic performance. An optimal range of strength ratios was proposed for the case presented. Within this range, LRBs can dissipate maximum input earthquake energy. The maximum shear and moment of the central column can achieve more than 50% reduction, whereas the maximum shear displacement of LRBs is acceptable.
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