Previous articleNext article No AccessThe Micro-Demography of Marriages in a North Indian AreaHarold A. GouldHarold A. Gould Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Volume 16, Number 4Winter, 1960 Article DOI Views: 3Total views on this site Citations: 9Citations are reported from Crossref Journal History This article was published in the Southwestern Journal of Anthropology (1945-1972), which is continued by the Journal of Anthropological Research (1973-present). PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Bishnupriya Gupta Where have all the brides gone? Son preference and marriage in India over the twentieth century, The Economic History Review 67, no.11 (Sep 2013): 1–24. Chaudhry, Taneesha Devi Mohan Of Marriage and Migration, Indian Journal of Gender Studies 18, no.33 (Sep 2011): 311–340. Chakraborty, Sukkoo Kim Kinship institutions and sex ratios in India, Demography 47, no.44 (Nov 2010): 989–1012. HENNING BROWN demographic constraints on caste: a Fiji Indian example, American Ethnologist 8, no.22 (Oct 2009): 314–328. DANNHAEUSER Regional patterns of marriage ties in north-central Luzon, Philippines, American Ethnologist 5, no.44 (Oct 2009): 733–747. Vatuk Gifts and affines in north India, Contributions to Indian Sociology 9, no.22 (Jul 2016): 155–196. P. Sharma Marriage, Family, and Kinship among the Jats and the Thakurs of North India : Some Comparisons, Contributions to Indian Sociology 7, no.11 (Jan 1973): 81–103. S. COHN Anthropological Notes on Disputes and Law in India1, American Anthropologist 67, no.66 (Oct 2009): 82–122. M. Salzano Demographic studies on Indians from Santa Catarina, Brazil, Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae 13, no.33 (Aug 2014): 278–294.
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