Why was this program developed?We developed a physical activity program because we saw the need for autistic individuals to benefit from regular physical activity. Motor skill challenges may keep autistic adults from engaging in regular physical activity and from reaping the benefits of improved fitness. Since participating in regular physical activity is important for the health of all individuals, it is important to design programs that address barriers so all people can benefit.What new program was developed?We developed a 10-week physical activity program called Into Fitness Together (IFiT) for autistic college students. The program is unique because it is individualized, tailored to autistic adults, fun, and has a built-in one-to-one peer support system.What did the researchers do?We wanted to learn whether the program had the potential to increase health-related fitness and how autistic college students experienced IFiT. Sixteen autistic college students participated in IFiT. They were paired one-on-one with another college student (known as a peer mentor) who was an expert in exercise science. The pairs worked out together 2.5 hours a week for 10 consecutive weeks. We examined change in participants' fitness levels at the start and end of IFiT. We also interviewed the autistic peers to understand their IFiT experience.What was the result of participating in the program?With regular participation in physical activity, the autistic peers improved their cardiorespiratory fitness levels, muscular endurance, and flexibility by the end of IFiT. There were three main themes that emerged from the interviews. At the end of the program, participants reported (1) greater competence in motor skills and a greater understanding of exercise, (2) improved overall health, and (3) a sense of belonging. Participants said they learned new ways to exercise, how to exercise correctly, and stated that they felt healthy and fit. They also expressed a sense of belonging. Participants stated that they valued their time with their peer mentor not only because the peer mentor shared their expertise in physical activity and exercise, but also because the peers talked about school, hobbies, and life in general. Having ongoing opportunities for regular social interaction was a positive experience for IFiT participants.What are the next steps for program development?This emerging practice article describes a small pilot study performed at one university, thus results cannot be generalized. Also, we did not have data from a comparison group of autistic students who did not participate in the program. Future studies should use a control and comparison group and gather data at multiple institutions.How will these findings help autistic adults now or in the future?There is limited information on interventions focused on physical activity for autistic college students; therefore, our work provides insight into a promising program. Regular physical activity can lead to positive health outcomes, skill acquisation, and participating in IFiT can potentially set the stage for lifelong physical activity.
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