Aims: To determine the best fit model of 21st century teaching and learning of Filipino teachers.
 Study Design: Quantitative non-experimental design.
 Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted among teachers teaching Filipino subject in all public schools in Region 11.
 Methodology: The respondents were 400 Filipino teachers from public schools in Region 11, Southern Mindanao, Philippines. The respondents were chosen using stratified random sampling. The data were collected using google forms.
 Results: The overall results showed that the information and communication technology (ICT) integration in teachers' teaching, teachers' classroom management strategies, and teachers' professional identity as Filipino teachers have a significant influence on the teaching and learning of 21st century teachers. Among the five models, model 5 best fits the study.
 Conclusion: The use of the structural model strengthened this study because the analysis conformed to the sequential process of the specific model. The result showed that the level of integration of ICT in teaching, classroom management strategies, professional identity, and teaching and learning in the 21st century is high, and there is an indication that these variables are agreed upon in all opportunities for Filipino teachers in public secondary schools in Region XI. This is supported by Holistic Theory of Language Teaching of Richards at Rogers. Based on the results of the study, the researcher proposed the recommendation to continue and maintain the appreciation of the four variables of ICT integration in teaching, classroom management strategies, professional identity, and teaching and learning because they both gained the highest descriptive level.
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