Discovery of seafloor volcanism west of Buldir Volcano, the westernmost emergent volcano in the Aleutian arc, demonstrates that surface expression of active Aleutian volcanism falls below sea level just west of 175·9°E longitude, but is otherwise continuous from mainland Alaska to Kamchatka. Lavas dredged from newly discovered seafloor volcanoes up to 300 km west of Buldir have end-member geochemical characteristics that provide new insights into the role of subducted basalt as a source component in Aleutian magmas. Western Aleutian seafloor lavas define a highly calc-alkaline series with 50–70% SiO2. Most samples have Mg-numbers [Mg# = Mg/(Mg + Fe)] greater than 0·60, with higher MgO and lower FeO* compared with average Aleutian volcanic rocks at all silica contents. Common basalts and basaltic andesites in the series are primitive, with average Mg# values of 0·67 (±0·02, n = 99, 1SD), and have Sr concentrations (423 ± 29 ppm, n = 99) and La/Yb ratios (4·5 ± 0·4, n = 29) that are typical of island arc basaltic lavas. A smaller group of basaltic samples is more evolved and geochemically more enriched, with higher and more variable Sr and La/Yb (average Mg# = 0·61 ± 0·1, n = 31; Sr = 882 ± 333 ppm, n = 31; La/Yb = 9·1 ± 0·9, n = 16). None of the geochemically enriched basalts or basaltic andesites has low Y ( 1000 ppm) and are adakitic, with strongly fractionated trace element patterns (Sr/Y = 50–350, La/Yb = 8–35, Dy/Yb = 2·0–3·5) with low relative abundances of Nb and Ta (La/Ta > 100), consistent with an enhanced role for residual or cumulate garnet + rutile. All western seafloor lavas have uniformly radiogenic Hf and Nd isotopes, with eNd = 9·1 ± 0·3 (n = 31) and eHf = 14·5 ± 0·6 (n = 27). Lead isotopes are variable and decrease with increasing SiO2 from basalts with 206Pb/204Pb = 18·51 ± 0·05 (n = 11) to dacites and rhyodacites with 206Pb/204Pb = 18·43 ± 0·04 (n = 18). Western seafloor lavas form a steep trend in 207Pb/204Pb–206Pb/204Pb space, and are collinear with lavas from emergent Aleutian volcanoes, which mostly have 206Pb/204Pb > 18·6 and 207Pb/204Pb > 15·52. High MgO and Mg# relative to silica, flat to decreasing abundances of incompatible elements, and decreasing Pb isotope ratios with increasing SiO2 rule out an origin for the dacites and rhyodacites by fractional crystallization. The physical setting of some samples (erupted through Bering Sea oceanic lithosphere) rules out an origin for their garnet + rutile trace element signature by melting in the deep crust. Adakitic trace element patterns in the dacites and rhyodacites are therefore interpreted as the product of melting of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) eclogite in the subducting oceanic crust. Western seafloor andesites, dacites and rhyodacites define a geochemical end-member that is isotopically like MORB, with strongly fractionated Ta/Hf, Ta/Nd, Ce/Pb, Yb/Nd and Sr/Y. This eclogite component appears to be present in lavas throughout the arc. Mass-balance modeling indicates that it may contribute 36–50% of the light rare earth elements and 18% of the Hf that is present in Aleutian volcanic rocks. Close juxtaposition of high-Mg# basalt, andesite and dacite implies widely variable temperatures in the western Aleutian mantle wedge. A conceptual model explaining this shows interaction of hydrous eclogite melts with mantle peridotite to produce buoyant diapirs of pyroxenite and pyroxenite melt. These diapirs reach the base of the crust and feed surface volcanism in the western Aleutians, but are diluted by extensive melting in a hotter mantle wedge in the eastern part of the arc.
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