To the Editor:Courtensetal.[2006]publishedaClinicalReportina March issue describing a girl from Morocco withhypothyroidism-retardation-dysmorphism (HRD):a new variant not caused by a TBCE mutation.According to this report, the patient fulfilled thecriteriafor thediagnosis of Sanjad–Sakati syndrome(SSS;OMIM:241410).WethinkthatthispatientisnotSSS for the following reasons:PreviouslyreportedSSSpatientshadbothprenatalandpostnatalgrowthretardationsandmicrocephalyas cardinal features [Sanjad et al., 1988, 1991;RichardsonandKirk,1990,1991;KalamandHafeez,1992; Marsden et al., 1994; Hershkovitz et al., 1995;Soliman et al., 1996; Al-Gazali and Dawodu, 1997;Al-Malik, 2004; Al Tawil et al., 2005; Naguib et al.,unpublished data]. At birth, the measurements ofCourtensetal. patientwereall withinnormalrange.The authors claimed that their patient had prenatalgrowthretardation(TableIofthepublishedreport),asherbirthlengthwas48cm.Accordingtonormsoflength [Jones, 1997] the 48 cm lies between the 10thandthe25thcentile,whichisnotgrowthretardation.At the age 4½ years, the proposita had normal bodymeasurementswithrelativemacrocephaly(weightat25th centile, height at 10th centile, and OFC at 97thcentile).ThisagaindoesnotfitwiththediagnosisofSSS.Most of the characteristic facial dysmorphism ofSSS,suchasexternalearanomalies,lowsetears,anddeep set eyes, are missing in the patient’s photo.Moreover, normocephaly/macrocephaly is afeature of Kenny–Caffey syndrome type 2 ratherthan SSS.The proposita is the only affected member in herfamily. This does not justify the autosomal recessivemodeofinheritanceeveninthepresenceofparentalconsanguinity which is common among Arabs(30%–54%) [AL-Awadi et al., 1985].Thus, we have a patient with normal bodymeasurements, minor dysmorphic facial features,normo/macrocephaly, psychomotor retardation,seizures, hypoparathyroidism, hypocalcemia, andpossibility of immune impairment, despite normalhumoral and cellular immunological testing. ThepatientwithsuchcriteriadoesnotfitthediagnosisofSSS, and so TBCE gene mutations are not expected.ThesefeaturesarecommoninCHARGEassociation,22q11 deletion, and Kenny-Caffey syndromes.Reevaluation of the proposita is highly suggestedbefore reaching to any conclusion.REFERENCES
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