The material and technical base of agriculture is the most important indicator that directly affects the volume and efficiency of agricultural production. During the period of market reforms in the Russian Federation, the agricultural sector of the economy and its material and technical base have undergone significant negative quantitative and qualitative changes. Over the past 10-15 years, with the arrival of large capital in domestic agriculture, it has been possible to stop the destructive processes in the formation of the material and technical base and ensure its renewal mainly in the most profitable sub-sectors of agriculture, which has allowed the country to significantly increase production of grain, sunflower, sugar beet, pork and poultry meat. The methodological basis of the research consists of general scientific methods such as synthesis, analysis, comparison, as well as a special research method such as content analysis of official documents. Increasing domestic production of agricultural machinery has become a priority for the Russian government, which is why the state provides incentives for manufacturers to localize as part of its strategy to achieve goals aimed at ensuring that 80% of agricultural machinery used in Russia is produced domestically, which will triple the total volume of equipment production and increase exports of agricultural machinery by 12 times. in 2030. The key problem of the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex is the high level of wear and tear of agricultural machinery. In the Russian Federation, the availability of equipment for livestock farms is about 40%, and its wear reaches 85%. A similar situation is observed in the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex. The installed technological machines and equipment in these industries are physically and morally outdated. The wear of agricultural machinery reaches about 50%. There is a need to improve the areas of government support, create specific conditions for the government to influence the processes of ensuring food security in the country and implement an export-oriented agricultural development strategy. Consequently, starting in 2020, Russia has a new mechanism for allocating subsidies to agriculture. Changes in government support will help the regions develop their priority and specific areas, which in the long term will contribute to improving the efficiency of allocated budget funds.
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