Erich Gruen's published research demonstrates a seamless transition from his early scholarship in Hellenistic and early Roman historiography to his current well-established role as a leading specialist on in antiquity. This breadth of study adds persistent illumination to the present book's argument that in the period before 70 CE usually did not sense any conflict between living in the and identity. book serves as an important new installment in Gruen's ongoing effort to dismantle paradigms of ancient history derived from exile, antisemitism, and other negative experiences. After a brief preface, the introduction makes two programmatic observations: (1) seem to have preferred to live in the rather than Palestine; (2) never developed a philosophy of to justify or explain life in the Diaspora. Chapter 1, The in Rome, argues that Roman policy toward was characterized primarily by indifference. Rare instances of negative Roman actions toward occurred when the Roman state made a show of maintaining its traditions against a wide variety of foreign elements, not just Jews. Chapter 2, The in Alexandria, breaks with a long tradition of previous research by suggesting that in Alexandria were not engaged in a struggle over civic rights that climaxed in the violence of 38. This violence was instead a brief interruption in generally positive relations between Greeks and occasioned by temporary circumstances and indigenous Egyptian hostility. Chapter 3, Jews in the Province of Asia, argues that conflicts between and Greeks in Asia Minor were rare. Gruen emphasizes that Roman policies toward in Asia Minor were motivated by Rome's broader imperial concerns, not favoritism of or hostility toward Jews. Chapter 4, Civic and Sacral Institutions in the Diaspora, suggests that were integrated into the civic life and political institutions of the Greco-Roman world but still maintained their own unique communal identity in the synagogue. Chapters 5 and 6 focus on Diaspora Humor as it is expressed in Esther, Tobit, Testament of Abraham, and other texts in which Gruen finds evidence of a comic element. This comic element demonstrates that were quite at home in the Gentile world. Chapter 7, Jewish Constructs of Greeks and Hellenism, argues that both negative and positive views toward Greek culture can be found even in the same texts. Gruen suggests that authors adopted and appropriated Greek culture, but did so in a way that emphasized the superiority of culture. Chapter 8, Diaspora and Homeland, unites various threads traced in the preceding chapters. Gruen boldly affirms that developed no theory explaining or justifying their ongoing presence in the because they quite simply felt no need to do so. exile had ended with the restoration of the temple in the Persian period. Subsequent did not view their own choice to leave or remain outside of Palestine in a negative fashion. They maintained a loyalty to Jerusalem as their mother city while viewing themselves as colonists living in other lands that they were proud to call their fatherlands. They identified so deeply with these homelands that they did not even consider themselves to be part of a diaspora (p. 243). book concludes with a list of abbreviations, endnotes, a bibliography, and a topical index. …
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