본 연구는 2002년 완공된 불광천(佛光川)자연형 하천 정비구간 생태적 특성변화를 비교하여 향후 하천관리의 기초자료 제공을 목적으로 불광천 자연형 정비사업에 대한 문헌연구, 정비사업 전 후와 현재의 물리적 환경변화 조사 분석과 생태계변화 분석을 주요내용으로 하였다. 준공 이후 호안에 적용된 공법을 중심으로 훼손현황을 분석한 결과, 수충부(水衝部)지역, 강우시 유출수가 발생하는 지점을 중심으로 호안이 유실되고 식생이 훼손되었다. 현존식생 분야에서는 식물도입 내용과 현존식생을 비교 분석한 결과, 저수로변에 파종한 혼합종자 중 싸리류, 벌개미취 등은 대부분 유실되어 큰김의털이 크게 우점하였고, 갈대, 물억새, 갯버들은 소규모로 식재되어 대부분 유실되었다. 지형구조 및 초본식생구조를 종합한 결과, 혼합종자를 파종한 지역은 크게 두 가지 식생유형으로 변화하였는데, 부유물질이 많은 하천 퇴적지에서 주로 생육하는 개여뀌, 소리쟁이 등이 우점하는 지역과 건조지성 벼과식물인 큰김의털, 개밀 등이 우점하는 지역으로 구분되었다. 저수로 호안부에 갈대 및 갯버들을 식재한 공법 적용지는 저수로폭 축소와 함께 유실되었으며, 저수부에 일부 갈대, 물억새, 갯버들이 소규모 군락을 형성하고 있었으나 그 세력이 미미하였고, 식물종 구성이 매우 단순해진 상태였다. 이에 불광천 자연형 정비구간의 관리방안을 제안하였다. 첫째, 도시하천 치수기능을 고려하되 유수 흐름을 모니터링하여 적절한 호안공법을 적용해야 하며, 둘째, 하천환경에 적합한 목표식생군락(目標植生群落)을 설정하고, 고밀도로 꾸준히 식재해야 한다. 이때 현재와 같이 관상용 자생식물 보식은 지양해야 하며,교란식생은 지속적 제거가 필요하였다. The aim of this study was to provide basic data in managing the project that was carried out on Bulgwangcheon in a nature-friendly way to improve the conditions around the areas, which was brought to completion in 2002, based on changes in ecological characteristics. For this propose, this study examined documents related to the project, compared physical and enviromnental changes before and after the project was conducted and analyzed changes in the stream ecosystem. The result showed that in areas that effluent water was often observed, especially when it rained, the river wall was washed away and vegetation was found damaged. As for actual vegetation, this study compared planting coverage of each section of the research area and actual vegetation charts. The results indicated that Lespedeza spp., Aster koraiensis among mixed seeds that were planted in the reservoir path were almost swept away while Festuca arundinacea dominated the areas. Phragmites communis, Miscanthus sacchariflorns and Salix gracilistyla which had been planted in a small number were also almost washed out though a small number of them were left to form a colony. After examining the topography and structure of the plant community, this study found that areas where mixed seed were planted had changed into two types of vegetation: First type of area is dominated by P and R which are usually raised in apron with abundant floating particles. The second type of area is dominated by dry gramineous plant such as F and A. Areas around low flow channel where Phragmites communis, Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Salix gracilistyla planting construction method is applied was washed away with the width of low flow channel reduced. Though P, M and S formed a small community in some areas around the low flow area, they were in small number and in composition of simple plant species. Two ways were suggested in this study to manage the stream in an ecological way. First, adequate revetment construction methods should be applied by monitoring the flow of the stream as well as considering the flood control of urban streams. Second, target vegetation communities that are suitable for the environment of the stream should be chosen and be plantedconstantly with high density. At the same time, ornamental native plants shouldn't be planted as they have been and disturbing vegetation should be removed.
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