The evolution of the atomic state in the resonant Jaynes-Cummings model (a two-level atom interacting with a single mode of the quantized radiation field) with the field initially in a coherent state is considered. It is shown that the atom is to a good approximation in a pure state in the middle of what has been traditionally called the region. This pure state exhibits no Rabi oscillations and is reached independently of the initial state of the atom. For most initial states a total or partial of the wave function takes place early during the interaction, at the conventional collapse time, following which the state vector is recreated, over a longer time scale. PACS numbers: 42.50.— p, 03.65.— w, 42.52.+x The Jaynes-Cummings model' (JCM) is perhaps the simplest nontrivial example of two interacting quantum systems: a two-level atom and a single mode of the radiation field. In addition to its being exactly solvable, the physical system that it represents has recently become experimentally realizable with Rydberg atoms in high-Q microwave cavities. Comparison of the predictions of the model with those of its semiclassical version have served to identify a number of uniquely quantum properties of the electromagnetic field; indeed, the model displays some very interesting dynamics, and the differences with the semiclassical theory are both profound and unexpected. The JCM would also appear to be an excellent model with which to explore some of the more puzzling aspects of quantum mechanics, such as the possibility (or impossibility) to describe an interacting quantum system by a state vector undergoing unitary evolution; i.e., the socalled of the wave function. In the semiclassical version, the atom interacting with the classical electromagnetic field may at all times be described by a state vector evolving unitarily. What happens, however, when it is recognized that the field is itself a quantum system (which leads inevitably to )? This is the question addressed in this Letter. It does not seem to have been addressed before in full generality, although entanglement in the JCM dynamics plays an essential role in a recent measurement-theory-related proposal of Scully and Walther, and preparation of a pure state of the field in the JCM has been the subject of several theoretical investigations and may be close to being achieved experimentally. The resonant JCM interaction Hamiltonian may be written as Ht = hg(~a&(b (a+ a'(b)(a ~ ), ' is a coupling constant (d is the atomic dipole matrix element for the transition, m is the transition frequency, and Vis the mode volume), ~a) and ~b) are the upper and lower atomic levels, respectively, and a and a are the annihilation and creation operators of the field mode, which in the semiclassical theory are simply replaced by c numbers. The solution to the Schrodinger equation for the atom initially in state y(0)).,&,~ =a~a)+ p b) and field initially in state ttt(0))fi iu g„-OC„n) is ~y(t)) = g [[aC„cos(gOn+1 t) — ipC„s+i l(gnawn +1 t)]~ a& +[ — iaC„~sin(gran t)+pC„cos(gran
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