Cardiovascular diseases remain the most pressing healthcare problem in most countries of the world in the 21st century, despite the continuous improvement of diagnostic and treatment methods for cardiac patients. Today, the mortality rate for patients within a year after myocardial infarction remains quite high at 9.1%. Despite the large number of scientific papers, most of the available information sources reflect the possibility of using dermatoglyphs of the palms and distal phalanges as diagnostic markers for predicting the susceptibility to AMI and practically do not cover the possibility of using dermatoglyphs of the middle and proximal phalanges, although they also have a powerful prognostic potential. The material of our study were dermatoglyphs of the middle and proximal phalanges of the fingers obtained from 167 male subjects aged 35-69 years. The subjects were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 (83) included men with a history of AMI by questionnaire; Group 2 (84) included men who had never had AMI. The criteria for inclusion in the study groups were voluntary consent, absence of genetic pathology, endocrine and musculoskeletal system pathology, age over 35 and under 69 years. Exclusion criteria were refusal to participate in the study at any stage, presence of genetic pathology, endocrine and musculoskeletal system pathology, age under 35 and over 69 years. The scope and methods of the research do not contradict the basic principles of the Helsinki Declaration on Biometric Research (1974), adapted at the 41st International Assembly in Hong Kong (1989), in which a person is the subject of research. The research was conducted in compliance with the following basic principles: respect for the individual, information of the individual, and assessment of the risk of harm and benefit. Results and discussion. The dermatoglyphic parameters on the middle phalanges that determine the susceptibility to AMI in men with a high level of reliability are: Lu, Lr, Hdu, Hdr, Adu, Adsr, ApNu, ApNr, ApLr, DaN, Vu, Vr, Vm, Dhu, Fu, Fr, NdNu, Lsr, на PPh: Hdu, Adu, Adsu, Adsr, ApNr, ApNsu, Ladu, Ladr, ApLu, ApLr, DaN, DaLu, DaLr, Vu, Vr, Vm, Dhu, Dhr, Fu, Fr, Cl, NdNr, Npu, Dn, ApNpu, ApNpr, Vms, Lsu, Lsr; on the proximal phalanges are present: Ladr, Dhr, Ladu, ApNpr, Dn, Cl, ApLu, Vm, DaN, ApLr, Fr, ApNpu, Lsu, Adsr, Dhu, Hpu, ApNr, NdAdu. The result of the analysis was the construction of a model that allowed us to predict the susceptibility of men to AMI based on the use of dermatoglyphic parameters of the middle phalanges of the fingers with a probability of more than 68 % and dermatoglyphs located on the proximal phalanges with a probability of about 79 %. Conclusion. The incidence of AMI is a medical and social problem. The incidence of this disease among young working-age population is increasing every year and entails a number of negative consequences, including high mortality, disability and others. Therefore, the search for new diagnostic criteria for predicting the susceptibility to AMI, which can form the basis of screening tests, remains relevant. We have established prognostic markers (dermatoglyphs of the middle and proximal phalanges of the fingers): Vu, Vm, Hdr, Lr, Adsr, ApNu, Vr, NdNu, Hdu, Lsr, S, ApNr, Adu, Adr, Lsu, Npr, Lu, Dhu. The obtained results may play a significant role in the future as one of the factors of prevention of AMI development.
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