Hadron reactions with small momentum transfers are well described by the Regge exchange model or the Regge-resonance dual model. The Regge exchange amplitude, however, is too small in the large momentum transfer region to repro duce the cross sections. It leads to an exponentially decreasing amplitude of s at fixed 8(c.m.s. scattering angle), while the cross sections behave as a power form of s.n The power seems to be related to the total number of constituents 21 composing the hadrons which participate in the reaction in the large momentum transfer region. The amplitude which shows the fixed angle scaling has quite different structure compared with the dual one. It will be very important to make it clear where and how the change of the s-dependence from the Regge-resonance dual form to the fixed angle scaling form occurs. In this paper, we will investigate the problem and suggest the following: i) There is a critical value of four-momentum square t, (u,) when the amplitude contains the t-(u-)channel exchange of the Regge trajectory a(t) (a(u)). ii) The value oft, (u,) is determined from the condition that a(t) (a(u)) is equal to a value given by the numbers of the constituent participating in the reaction. iii) In order to study the critical value t, (u,), it is convenient to see the s-depend ence of the cross section along fixed 6. The change of the s-dependence from the Regge-resonance dual form to the fixed angle scaling form is expected to occur nearly at the energy s (6) determined by t, or u,. Especially, a rather small value of s is predicted from t, and u, at e~ 180° and e~oo respectively. Actually we
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