Studies of the peculiarities of naming in agriculture is important due to both extralinguistic factors (the development of breeding, international relations in agricultural science and practice) and linguistic ones (the specifics of creating names of varieties of vegetables, fruits, etc. have not been given much focus). The purpose of the study is to determine the linguistic and ethno-cultural features of agricultural naming in Russia. The work uses interdisciplinary approach consisting of semantic analysis and linguistic and cultural description. The names of one of the most popular vegetables in Russia - the cucumber - were chosen as the research material. The conducted analysis allows us to draw the following conclusions: less than half of the names are identifying motivated names. The most representative ones are the identifying motivations "place of selection", "high quality", "size" and "color". The main linguistic means of forming the names of varieties include diminutives, metaphorical models and allusions. In the conditionally symbolic names, in the aspect of motivation, we can observe ethno-cultural specificity actualized through the vocabulary of the thematic groups "Russian family traditions", "family", "military ranks", "heroes of films and cartoons", "titles of crowned persons", "sports", "manager in the professional sphere", "reference qualities of a man", and nationally labeled anthroponyms, phraseological units and national cultural realities. The names of varieties of vegetables (cucumbers) as commercial names, have a number of peculiar features. Firstly, this is due to the fact that these names of varieties are given mainly by plant breeders who are not specialists in naming. Secondly, these advertising names simultaneously address two target audiences - agricultural specialists and amateur gardeners. Typical for the names of cucumber varieties are special markers, for example, numbers, as well as abbreviations that are understandable only to breeders. A large number of hybrids appearing annually need to be registered, which results in many similar names.
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