1.IntrodllCtion.A11spacesconsideredin this paper are assumed to be completelyregular Hausdorff.A space Xis ca11ed tqi>Ologicalcthis fact was essentially provedby Mr6wka[18]and was notedin[3].To date,theimages of realcompact spaces under perfect maps wereinvestigated by severaltopologists(e.g.,Frolik[6],[7],Kenderov[14],Isiwata [11],[13],Blair[1],Dykes[3],[4]),however,With the exception of[3],1ittle seems to beknown about topologically complete spaces. In this paper,We Shallobtain characterizations of theimages of topologlCally COmplete spaces under perfect mapsandnecessaryandsu疏cientconditionsforthem to be topologically complete. In section2,for convenience,Welist certain basic de丘nitions and facts that Willbe usedin the sequal. In section3,Weintroduce the notionofalmostuniforlnStruCtureS.ThisllOtion isusefulfordealingwiththeperfectimages of topologlCally complete spaces.There are also some“tool”theorems concernlng almost uniform struCtureS. In section4,almost topological1y complete spaces are de丘nedin tel・mS Of an almost uniform structure,and we prove that almost topologlCa11y complete spaces Characterizeperfectimagesoftopologically completespaces.Similarly we can prove the corresponding theorem concernlng Frolik’s almost realcompactspaces,and conSider the relationship between almost topologlCally complete spaces and almost re・ alcompact spaces・Ful-thermore,SOme prOperties of almost topologlCallycomplete SPaCeS are Studied,in particular,itis proved that almost topologlCalcompleteness isinvariant under perfect maps. In the負nalsection5,We COnSider a problem underwhat conditionsan almost
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