Failures of mine tailings storage facilities (TSF) can have profound and long-lasting effects on the downstream receiving environment. Virtually all spills to date have been into river systems without large lakes that may buffer downstream impacts. In August 2014, the failure of the Mount Polley copper (Cu)-gold mine TSF in British Columbia, Canada, released ~25 × 106 m3 of water and solids; globally, this is the second largest TSF spill in history. Over 18 × 106 m3 was delivered to Quesnel Lake, which is ~9 km from the TSF and is the third deepest lake in North America, and a crucial habitat for Pacific salmon and trout populations. We determined the sediment-associated Cu concentrations and fluxes in Quesnel River, downstream of the lake, from August 2014 to February 2021 based on the analysis of >400 samples of sediment, mainly collected using a continuous-flow centrifuge. During each winter since the spill, Cu concentrations in the fluvial sediment in the upper reaches of the river (~35 km from the TSF) were elevated relative to regional background concentrations and samples collected before the spill. Maximum Cu concentrations were ~410 mg kg−1 which exceeds Canadian sediment quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic organisms (197 mg kg−1). Monitoring of Quesnel Lake since the spill shows that these annual pulses in the winter are due to resuspension of unconsolidated tailings and sediments at the bottom of Quesnel Lake, during autumnal lake turnover, which become mixed throughout the water column and subsequently flow into Quesnel River. Results show that while large lakes may buffer downstream aquatic systems from contaminated sediment, they may prolong the environmental impact. These findings are crucial in understanding how lake processes may modify the effects of TSF spills on downstream aquatic systems.
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