The 228 nm deep ultraviolet laser, leveraging its advantages of short wavelength, high photon energy, and low thermal effect, can significantly enhance the Raman signal in resonance Raman spectroscopy and demonstrates broad application potential in areas such as precision processing of photonic devices. This paper investigates a solid-state linear-cavity passively Q-switched 228 nm deep ultraviolet laser. Firstly, the laser employs an Nd:GdVO4 crystal as the gain medium, combined with Cr4+:YAG crystal passive Q-switching technology to generate 912 nm pulsed fundamental frequency light. Subsequently, a lithium metaborate (LBO) crystal is used to generate 456 nm second-harmonic light, and finally, a barium metaborate (BBO) crystal is utilized to achieve 228 nm fourth-harmonic laser output. In this paper, we investigate the variation in 456 nm and 228 nm laser output power under the cavity length of 63 mm. Ultimately, at a pump power of 41.75 W, the highest average power of 670 mW was achieved for a 456 nm blue laser output with a repetition rate of 12 kHz and a pulse width of 32 ns. Additionally, a maximum average power of 18 mW was obtained for a 228 nm deep ultraviolet laser output, featuring a repetition rate of 12 kHz and a pulse width of 33 ns.
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