Propagation-based X-ray phase contrast enables nanoscale imaging of biological tissue by probing not only the attenuation but also the real part of the refractive index of the sample. Since only intensities of diffracted waves can be measured, the main mathematical challenge consists in a phase-retrieval problem in the near-field regime. We treat an often used linearized version of this problem known as the contract transfer function model. Surprisingly, this inverse problem turns out to be well-posed assuming only a compact support of the imaged object. Moreover, we establish bounds on the Lipschitz stability constant. In general this constant grows exponentially with the Fresnel number of the imaging setup. However, both for homogeneous objects, characterized by a fixed ratio of the induced refractive phase shifts and attenuation, and in the case of measurements at two distances, a much more favorable algebraic dependence on the Fresnel number can be shown. In some cases we establish order optimality of our estimates.
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