This study aims to evaluate the co-curricular activity program in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in Kendari City using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation approach. Data were collected from 6 schools with 43 respondents consisting of PAUD educators and managers, using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire that was analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The results of the study indicate that in the Context aspect, the condition of the school, students, educators, and school environment are in the good category with an average value of 14.40, 10.72, 10.79, and 10.86, respectively. In the Input aspect, facilities and infrastructure are considered quite adequate (mean 17.74), while the budget and involvement of external parties are still the main challenges with an average value of 11.19 and 10.49, respectively. Educator training is in the fairly good category with an average value of 13.91. In the Process aspect, student participation in co-curricular activities reached a good category (mean 14.12), while the professional and pedagogical competence of teachers showed very good results with an average of 25.02 and 32.33. In the Product aspect, the increase in student competence and the quality of co-curricular activities were in the good category, with average values of 17.91 and 21.12, respectively. This study concludes that the co-curricular activity program at PAUD in Kendari City as a whole has been running well, although improvements are still needed in the budget aspect and external party involvement to optimize results. Strategic recommendations include optimizing financial support, ongoing training for teachers, and closer collaboration with communities and external institutions.
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