Electrode induction melting gas atomization (EIGA) technology is a commonly used and effective method for producing spherical metal powders in additive manufacturing. In this paper, we aim to describe the atomization and fragmentation of liquid sheets from a typical swirl nozzle and highlight the primary breakup of titanium alloy powder production. We developed a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach to simulate the primary disintegration process of the molten metal using the volume of fluid (VOF) method coupled with the large eddy simulation turbulence model (LES). Our numerical results show that high-speed spraying creates supersonic airflow in the atomization chamber. Recirculation is the main area where primary atomization occurs. The formation of the recirculation zone is the direct driving force that allows atomization to proceed, which will increase turbulence intensity and achieve higher atomization efficiency. VOF-LES simulation can capture some qualitative results such as conical melt-sheet shape, wave formation, ligament formation, and perforation formation. The primary droplet size mainly ranges between 200 and 800 μm. Finally, with increasing gas pressure, the particle size of the atomized powder gradually decreases, and the particle size distribution becomes narrower.
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