The development of a security system for an authorized entrance. The purpose of this work is to study and to create a new way of controlling the passage in secured buildings and objects that require a specific degree of security. The creation of a certain system would improve the activities of many companies, malls, shopping centers, parking lots, airports, banks etc. The security system that will be presented in this work is based on the activation of magnetic keys through a microcontroller that is dictated by a computer or an infrared remote control system. The passage of the magnetic key from '1' or '0', when the command comes from the computer, a scan of the fingerprint of the person passing through the door is carried out, but also when the personnel is intervening in cases such as: The presence of VIP; The lack of the ability to read fingerprints. The system automatically provides visuals of the people appearing at the point of passage. Built-in applications provide the ability to file data as well as provide up-to-date reports and information.
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