Obesity (OB) is an independent predictor for atrial fibrillation (AF), but mechanisms by which OB increases AF risk remain poorly characterized. We hypothesized that OB modulates AF risk through electrical remodeling and impaired Ca 2+ dynamics that can be reversed after weight loss (WL). Using transesophageal rapid pacing we characterized AF inducibility and burden in lean, OB, and OB mice that lost 20% of body weight after modified vertical sleeve gastrectomy. Local field fluorescence microscopy was used to simultaneously record action potentials (APs) (di-8-ANEPPS or glass microelectrodes) and Ca 2+ transients (CaT) (Rhod-2) in Langendorff heart preparations. We evaluated AP duration (APD) dependency of frequency from 4 to 14 Hz (1 Hz incremental steps). AP parameters analyzed included APD30, APD50, APD90 and spontaneous arrhythmogenic events. We assessed Ca 2+ dynamics by studying CaT and fractional sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+ release in the absence and presence of ryanodine (Ry) and thapsigargin (Tg). Since CaT Ry+Tg represents sarcolemmal Ca 2+ influx, we calculated the gain of Ca 2+ induced Ca 2+ release (CICR gain ) as the ratio between CaT in the absence and presence of Ry+Tg. Experiments were done in the presence of blebbistatin at 37° C. Mean±SE, t-test. After burst pacing, both AF prevalence and burden were higher in OB mice vs lean (94 % vs 47 %, 227±19 vs 20±1.2 s, n=16 mice/group, p<0.0001). About 76 % of OB hearts showed afterdepolarizations and fibrillation vs no events in lean. APD50 and APD90 significantly decreased as stimulation frequency increased from 4 to 14 Hz in OB hearts vs lean (n=6 mice/group, p<0.05). Peak CaT from OB hearts were significantly decreased compared to peak CaT from lean (0.3±0.05 vs. 0.8±0.06, n=9, p<0.001). CICR gain in OB hearts was also significantly compromised compared to lean (5.2±1 vs 23.3±1.4, n=7 mice/group, p<0.0001). After WL, OB mice showed a decreased AF burden (21.7±8 s), increased APD, increased peak CaT (0.8±0.15) and increased CICR gain (20±2.3) back to lean levels (n=8, p<0.001). In conclusion, shortened APs, spontaneous afterdepolarizations and impaired CICR significantly contribute to the development of AF in OB. WL reversed the electrical phenotype and the impaired Ca 2+ dynamics and prevented AF.
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