1. OBSERVATIONAL RESULTSExperiments on a man-made initiation of a ball-lightning discharge attract attention in the context ofemploying this phenomenon in technological applica-tions [1]. There are well-known hypotheses that treatthis form of discharge as matter with a condensedexcited phase (E. Manykin, M. Ozhovan), as a systempossessing magnetic self-organization (B. Kadomtsev),as a result of the electromagnetic-field capture into aplasma waveguide (V. Kunin, V. Pleshivtsev, L. Furov),as a consequence of electromagnetic-wave interfer-ence, etc. There are also rather exotic hypotheses likeV. Korshunov’s model, which invokes Dirac magneticmonopoles for the explanation of plasma-ball “pump-ing” or the “polymer” model (V. Bychkov et al. ). Thesehypotheses were reviewed in [2], as well as in mono-graphs [3, 4]. Undeniably, any of the scenarios pro-posed corresponds to usual atmospheric conditions andis unavoidably accompanied by physicochemical pro-cesses in gas, ionization being the most importantamong them. Ionization necessarily causes ion hydra-tion at sufficiently low temperatures.The lack of a generally recognized ball-lightningtheory is an essential gap in the general gas-dischargetheory. The key problem is the energy-accumulationmechanism. Estimates of the energy released in the dis-charge for its lifetime show that the mechanism cannotbe reduced to simple gas heating. At high temperatures,a plasma ball would be of a low density, would beentrained vertically upwards by the Archimedean buoy-ancy force, and would disintegrate in the presence ofturbulent flows caused by its own motion. As observa-tions reveal, the plasma bunch (plasmoid) has a densityof the same, or slightly higher, order of magnitude asthat of ambient air and the stable spherical shape is aconsequence of the positive surface tension at the plas-moid boundary. An excess specific weight of a ball,even in the moderate-heating state, testifies to an ele-vated average molecular weight of its material. This isindirect evidence of intense clustering. A short but pow-erful electric-field pulse is undoubtedly required forball-lightning initiation. Such conditions occur in a lin-ear electric discharge of lightning.The relatively rare occurrence of ball lightning inthe course of a thunderstorm suggests that the coinci-dence of several conditions is necessary for ball-dis-charge formation. As a consequence of the requirementof a high degree of ionization in combination with amoderate gas temperature, spontaneous ball-lightningformation is a relatively rare phenomenon. The mostfavorable prerequisites for ball-discharge initiation are,apparently, realized at the periphery of a powerful lin-ear discharge. A shock acoustic wave is capable ofcausing fast adiabatic gas expansion and its local cool-ing. The optimum geometry of a linear-discharge cur-rent-conducting channel might be responsible for thelocal interference amplification of an electromagneticwave. Apparently, a combination of antinodes for astanding electromagnetic wave and a standing shockacoustic wave composes an origin in which the genera-tion of a ball plasma bunch is most likely to beexpected.Independent measurements of the hydrated-ion con-tent in the atmosphere indicate that the concentration ofcharged clusters is moderate and does not exceed10
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