Sergey Nikolaevich Andriaka (July 14, 1958 - May 16, 2024) was a distinguished Russian watercolorist, a celebrated artist and educator, and a pivotal figure in national art education. He served as editor-in-chief and a permanent author for the scientific and methodological journal Secreta Artis. Andriaka was the driving force behind the extensive scientific, methodological, and publishing efforts of the art institutions he founded and led: the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Sergey Andriaka Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts" and the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education "Sergey Andriaka Specialized School of Watercolor with a Museum and Exhibition Complex".This article represents the first comprehensive effort to summarize his substantial contributions, trace his professional journey, and provide foundational information about his artistic and pedagogical career. It explores the principles underlying the School of Watercolor and the Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts, and delves into key aspects of Anrdriaka's unique teaching methodology, particularly his multilayer watercolor technique.The article features previously unpublished materials, such as drafts of Andriaka's autobiography and personal conversations with him.