A fixed-base simulation was performed to identify and quantify interactions between the pilot's hand/arm neuromuscular subsystem and such features of modern fighter aircraft roll-rate command control system mechanizations as force-sensing side-stick-type manipulator, vehicle effective roll time constant, and flight control system effective time delay. The results provide insight to high-frequency pilot/vehicle oscillation (roll ratchet), low-frequency pilot-induced oscillation, and roll-to-right control input problems previously observed in experimental and production fly-by-wire control systems. The simulation configurations encompass and/or duplicate several actual flight situations, reproduce control problems observed, and show that the highfrequency nuisance mode known as ''roll ratchet can derive primarily from the pilot's neuromuscular subsystem. The simulations show that force-sensing side-stick manipulator force/displacement/command gradients, command prefilters, and flight control system time delays need to be carefully adjusted to minimize neuromuscular mode amplitude peaking (roll-ratchet tendency) without restricting roll control bandwidth (with resulting sluggish or low-frequency pilot-induced oscillation prone control). The results further demonstrate that roll-ratchet tendency, difficult to detect in fixed-base simulations, is readily apparent from application of frequency-response spectral analysis techniques.
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