Previous articleNext article No AccessA Defense of International Criminal Law*Andrew Altman and Christopher Heath WellmanAndrew Altman Search for more articles by this author and Christopher Heath Wellman Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUSFull Text Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Ethics Volume 115, Number 1October 2004 Article DOI Views: 171Total views on this site Citations: 21Citations are reported from Crossref © 2004 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Andrew Jason Cohen What liberals should tolerate internationally, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24, no.11 (May 2019): 64–86. Ratner International law and political philosophy: Uncovering new linkages, Philosophy Compass 14, no.22 (Dec 2018): e12564. Soler What Is Required to Intrude into the Sovereignty of a Defaulting State in Order to Investigate and Prosecute Core Crimes?, (Sep 2019): 59–87. Hoskins May, Larry, (Jul 2017): 1–4. McKinnon Endangering humanity: an international crime?, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47, no.2-32-3 (Jan 2020): 395–415. Hoskins Punishment, Analysis (Mar 2016): anw022. Waldorf Inhumanity’s law: Crimes against humanity, RtoP and South Sudan, International Politics 53, no.11 (Dec 2015): 49–66. Wallerstein Delegation of Powers and Authority in International Criminal Law, Criminal Law and Philosophy 9, no.11 (Feb 2013): 123–140. B. Delston The criminalization of money laundering and terrorism in global contexts: a hybrid solution, Journal of Global Ethics 10, no.33 (Nov 2014): 326–338. van der Wilt Crimes against humanity: a category hors concours in (international) criminal law?, (Feb 2014): 25–41. ALOYO Improving global accountability: The ICC and nonviolent crimes against humanity, Global Constitutionalism 2, no.33 (Sep 2013): 498–530. Ambos Punishment Without a Sovereign? The Ius Puniendi Issue of International Criminal Law: A First Contribution Towards a Consistent Theory of International Criminal Law, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2013). Heath Wellman The Rights Forfeiture Theory of Punishment, Ethics 122, no.22 (Jul 2015): 371–393. D. DUBBER Common Civility: The Culture of Alegality in International Criminal Law, Leiden Journal of International Law 24, no.44 (Nov 2011): 923–936. Nour, Klaus Schlichte, Benjamin Herborth, Andreas Niederberger, Peter Niesen, Anna Goppel, Thomas Seibert Politische Gestalt und politische Konsequenzen, (Jan 2011): 256–303. Renzo A Criticism of the International Harm Principle, Criminal Law and Philosophy 4, no.33 (Aug 2010): 267–282. J Fisher The Distinct Character of International Crime: Theorizing the Domain, Contemporary Political Theory 8, no.11 (Feb 2009): 44–67. Heath Wellman A Theory of Secession, 18 (Jul 2009). Fichtelberg Crimes beyond justice? Retributivism and war crimes, Criminal Justice Ethics 24, no.11 (Jan 2005): 31–46. Davidovic, Larry May, Elizabeth Edenberg International Criminal Court, the Trust Fund for Victims, and Victim Participation, (): 217–243. Hessler, Larry May, Zach Hoskins State Sovereignty as an Obstacle to International Criminal Law, (): 39–57.
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