Previous articleNext article FreeThe Embryogeny of ZamiaJohn M. Coulter and Charles J. ChamberlainJohn M. Coulter Search for more articles by this author and Charles J. Chamberlain Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Volume 35, Number 3Mar., 1903 Article DOI Views: 163Total views on this site Citations: 11Citations are reported from Crossref Journal History This article was published in the Botanical Gazette (1876-1991), which is continued by International Journal of Plant Sciences (1992-present). PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Roger Buvat Segmentation and First Edification of the Sporophyte, (Jan 1989): 8–104. Monnier, Knut Norstog Developmental Aspects of Immature Zamia Embryos Cultured in vitro, Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie 113, no.22 (Jan 1984): 105–115. N. Konar, Alok Moitra Ultrastructure, cyto- and histochemistry of female gametophyte of gymnosperms, Gamete Research 3, no.11 (Jan 1980): 67–97. S. Bryan, Richard I. Evans CHROMATIN BEHAVIOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND MATURATION OF THE EGG NUCLEUS OF ZAMIA UMBROSA, American Journal of Botany 43, no.99 (Nov 1956): 640–646. S. Bryan THE CELLULAR PROEMBRYO OF ZAMIA AND ITS CAP CELLS, American Journal of Botany 39, no.77 (Jul 1952): 433–443. Marion A. Johnson Structure of the Shoot Apex in Zamia, Botanical Gazette 101, no.11 (Oct 2015): 189–203. Anstruther Lawson VI.—A Contribution to the Life-History of Bowenia, Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 54, no.22 (Jul 2012): 357–394. Paul J. Sedgwick Life History of Encephalartos, Botanical Gazette 77, no.33 (Sep 2015): 300–310. Hannig Über die Bedeutung der Periplasmodien, Flora oder Allgemeine Botanische Zeitung 102, no.44 (Apr 1911): 335–382. Charles J. Chamberlain Fertilization and Embryogeny in Dioon edule, Botanical Gazette 50, no.66 (Oct 2015): 415–429. Otis W. Caldwell Microcycas Calocoma, Botanical Gazette 44, no.22 (Sep 2015): 118–141.
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