Online marketplaces are characterised by rapid product updates and understanding consumer variety-seeking behaviour (VSB) is paramount for brands operating in this landscape. The literature, however, has fallen short of considering that consumers’ optimal stimulation level (OSL) may vary based on their degree of stimulus–response to the heterogeneity of circadian rhythm. We draw upon the OSL theory and delve into the interplay between VSB and circadian rhythm heterogeneity, uncovering patterns and their relationship for data-driven decision-making. By employing real-world data from an online marketplace, we reveal that VSB peaks in the early mornings, while gradually tapering off. We also find that older consumers exhibit heightened VSB in the afternoons and early mornings compared to younger ones. Conversely, during the evenings, males display greater VSB than females. Our findings contradict existing theoretical intuition and contemporary industry practices, while by considering them, brands can gain a competitive advantage on online marketplaces.
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