The article examines the impact of modern automobile safety features on injuries sustained by drivers and passengers during traffic accidents. Cases of injuries were analyzed, and the nature of damages caused by traditional and modern safety systems was studied. It was found that modern safety features significantly reduce the risk of severe injuries, although they can themselves cause bodily harm. The study highlights the prospects for further research into the effects of advanced safety systems, such as active headrests and special pedal bracket mechanisms. The aim of the study is to increase the efficacy of forensic medical examinations of persons injured as a result of a road accident inside passenger car compartment. Materials and methods. 247 cases of trauma in the driver’s and passengers’ compartments of cars equipped with modern safety features (without fatal outcomes) were studied based on archival materials of the Odessa Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination for the years 2014-2024. The morphology of bodily injuries in drivers and passengers was analyzed. Results. In a comparative study of both the traditional and new safety equipment impact on passenger car driver and passengers morphological signs of bodily injuries in a road accident it was found that current means of driver and passengers protection allow to reduce significantly the risk of severe, including fatal, bodily injuries in cases of road accidents. It was proved that safety steering column can cause serious injuries, up to the fractures occurrence. The remaining means of protection do not lead to serious injuries formation; their effect causes bruises, abrasions and superficial wounds formation. Conclusions. The current means of driver and passengers protection inside the car cabin allow to reduce significantly the risk of serious, including fatal, bodily injuries in cases of road accidents. New means of protection provide both driver and passengers greater safety inside the car cabin from injury. Prospects for furthers researches we suppose are the probable protective influence investigation of a special (breakable) pedal assembly bracket and an active headrest on driver and passenger inside the car in case of a road accident.
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