Electrospun Poly (methyl methacrylate) fibrous nonwovens containing diazo-dye Chicago Sky Blue (CSB) and methyl cellulose (Methocel A15 LV) were fabricated and explored for CSB release for therapeutic purposes. The role of Methocel was to accelerate CSB release and make it tunable in the 20 h to 11 days range. The spectrofluorometric analysis revealed that the release rate and the ultimate released amount were affected by the nonwoven thickness, the surrounding liquid medium (DI water or PBS), wettability of the fiber mat, and the Methocel concentration. In several experiments some intriguing and repeatable oscillations in the amount of the released CSB in the presence of Methocel were observed and accompanied by the appearance of a new fluorescence peak at the wavelength of 680 nm. The Raman spectroscopy was also used to elucidate the nature of such oscillations. A kinetic mechanism is also proposed to explain the oscillations and the appearance of a new fluorescence peak by CSB dimerization and formation of relatively stable CSB dimers.
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